Dad-of-three who panicked and fled scene of crash threatened on social media Burnley magistrates told

A father of three who fled the scene of a crash found himself before Burnley magistrates.A father of three who fled the scene of a crash found himself before Burnley magistrates.
A father of three who fled the scene of a crash found himself before Burnley magistrates.
A father-of-three, who hit a car in his Transit van and then panicked and ran off, was later threatened on social media, a court heard.

Groundworker Jordan Hall (26) had gone " hurtling" towards a Ford Fiesta, spinning it round in the crash at a junction on Fernlea Avenue, Barnoldswick.

He went to the police station to report the collision the next day.

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Burnley magistrates were told how the Fiesta driver told police he was lucky he was not killed.

Miss Beth Pilling, prosecuting, said he had to take time off work after suffering injury and added:" He says 'he (the defendant) clearly did not care about my welfare or check on me.' "

Mr Glen Smith, defending, told the court Hall was a family man.

He had been driving home from work, was approaching a Give Way sign and slowed down.

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The solicitor said: "He has looked and did not see anything. He drove across the junction and the next thing he describes is spinning round. He was basically dazed, saw several young men in a black, sporty car and he just panicked."

" He didn't want a confrontation. He went into Colne police station the following day and he was told police would contact him."

Hall, of Avon Drive, Barnoldswick, admitted driving without due care and attention and failing to shop and report an accident on Tuesday, August 23rd.

He was fined £369, with £85 costs and a £36 victim surcharge and was given seven points on his licence.