EU is so good at self promotion

EU flags fly at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels. (AP Photo/Yves Logghe, File)EU flags fly at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels. (AP Photo/Yves Logghe, File)
EU flags fly at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels. (AP Photo/Yves Logghe, File)
If there’s one thing the EU is good at it is self promotion – regardless of the facts.

You must all have seen their signs: “European Union, Investing in your future”; “EU regional development fund 2007 - 2013”, and “This development could not have happened without the EU”.

What everyone should know is that the funding is actually part of the rebate from what we pay in – currently £55m. every day. We get around half back and then the EU dictate what we spend it on, regardless of if we need it. This is UK taxpayers’ money spent on whatever is in the EU’s five-year plan. David Cameron thinks he can renegotiate our membership. No chance

Philip Griffiths

UKIP North West President